

DSI: A Fully Distributed Spatial Index for Location-Based Wireless Broadcast Services

14 years 8 months ago
DSI: A Fully Distributed Spatial Index for Location-Based Wireless Broadcast Services
Recent announcement of the MSN Direct Service has demonstrated the feasibility and industrial interest in utilizing wireless broadcast for pervasive information services. To support location-based services in wireless data broadcast systems, a distributed spatial index (called DSI) is proposed in this paper. DSI is highly efficient because it has a linear yet fully distributed structure that facilitates multiple search paths to be naturally mixed together by sharing links. Moreover, DSI is very resilient in error-prone wireless communication environments. Search algorithms for two classical location-based queries, window queries and kNN queries, based on DSI are presented. Performance evaluation of DSI shows that DSI significantly outperforms R-tree and Hilbert Curve Index, two state-of-the-art spatial indexing techniques for wireless data broadcast.
Wang-Chien Lee, Baihua Zheng
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Wang-Chien Lee, Baihua Zheng
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