

Dual Tensor Atlas Generation Based on a Cohort of Coregistered non-HARDI Datasets

15 years 2 months ago
Dual Tensor Atlas Generation Based on a Cohort of Coregistered non-HARDI Datasets
Abstract. We propose a method to create a dual tensor atlas from multiple coregistered non-HARDI datasets. Increased angular resolution is ensured by random variations of subject positioning in the scanner and different local rotations applied during coregistration resulting in dispersed gradient directions. Simulations incorporating residual coregistration misalignments show that using 10 subjects should already double the angular resolution, even at a relatively low b-value of b = 1000 smm-2 . Commisural corpus callosum fibers reconstructed by our method closely approximated those found in a HARDI dataset.
Matthan Caan, Caroline Sage, Maaike van der Graa
Added 06 Nov 2009
Updated 15 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Matthan Caan, Caroline Sage, Maaike van der Graaf, Cornelis A. Grimbergen, Stefan Sunaert, Lucas J. van Vliet, Frans Vos
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