

Dyn-MPI: Supporting MPI on Non Dedicated Clusters

14 years 5 months ago
Dyn-MPI: Supporting MPI on Non Dedicated Clusters
Distributing data is a fundamental problem in implementing efficient distributed-memory parallel programs. The problem becomes more difficult in environments where the participating nodes are not dedicated to a parallel application. We are investigating the data distribution problem in non dedicated environments in the context of explicit message-passing programs. To address this problem, we have designed and implemented an extension to MPI called Dynamic MPI (Dyn-MPI). The key component of Dyn-MPI is its run-time system, which efficiently and automatically redistributes data on the fly when there are changes in the application or the underlying environment. Dyn-MPI supports efficient memory allocation, precise measurement of system load and computation time, and node removal. Performance results show that programs that use Dyn-MPI execute efficiently in non dedicated environments, including up to almost a three-fold improvement compared to programs that do not redistribute data...
D. Brent Weatherly, David K. Lowenthal, Mario Naka
Added 05 Jul 2010
Updated 05 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where SC
Authors D. Brent Weatherly, David K. Lowenthal, Mario Nakazawa, Franklin Lowenthal
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