

Dynamic Clustering for Acoustic Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks

14 years 8 months ago
Dynamic Clustering for Acoustic Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks
Abstract—In the paper, we devise and evaluate a fully decentralized, light-weight, dynamic clustering algorithm for target tracking. Instead of assuming the same role for all the sensors, we envision a hierarchical sensor network that is composed of (a) a static backbone of sparsely placed high-capability sensors which will assume the role of a cluster head (CH) upon triggered by certain signal events; and (b) moderately to densely populated low-end sensors whose function is to provide sensor information to CHs upon request. A cluster is formed and a CH becomes active, when the acoustic signal strength detected by the CH exceeds a pre-determined threshold. The active CH then broadcasts an information solicitation packet, asking sensors in its vicinity to join the cluster and provide their sensing information. We address and devise solution approaches (with the use of Voronoi diagram) to realize dynamic clustering: (I1) how CHs cooperate with one another to ensure that for the most of...
Wei-Peng Chen, Jennifer C. Hou, Lui Sha
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICNP
Authors Wei-Peng Chen, Jennifer C. Hou, Lui Sha
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