

Dynamic Configuration of Semantic-Based Service Provisioning to Portable Devices

14 years 6 months ago
Dynamic Configuration of Semantic-Based Service Provisioning to Portable Devices
Context-awareness is starting to emerge as a key driving principle for the design and provisioning of pervasive services in pervasive computing environments. Semantic languages seem to provide effective means to express, process and reason about context information and to facilitate knowledge sharing and interoperability among previously unknown entities. However, the exploitation of semantic languages for the design and deployment of context-aware applications requires to address several issues. In particular, semantic languages require complex and heavyweight support facilities, e.g., reasoning engines, ontology repositories and knowledge management tools, that may not fit the capabilities of portable devices, especially of resourcelimited ones. Novel middleware-level solutions are required to transparently and dynamically adapt semanticbased service provisioning to the properties of different access devices. The paper proposes a novel middleware that exploits the visibility of two ...
Antonio Corradi, Rebecca Montanari, Alessandra Ton
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Antonio Corradi, Rebecca Montanari, Alessandra Toninelli
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