

Dynamic Control and Resource Allocation in Wireless-Infrastructured Distributed Cellular Networks with OFDMA

14 years 7 months ago
Dynamic Control and Resource Allocation in Wireless-Infrastructured Distributed Cellular Networks with OFDMA
—In this paper, we consider joint optimization of end-to-end data transmission and resource allocation for Wireless-Infrastructured Distributed Cellular Networks (WIDCNs), where each base station (BS) in a cell is connected with its neighboring BSs via wireless links, and a mobile station (MS) can access one or multiple adjacent BSs simultaneously through time-varying OFDMA channels. The communications between a source MS and a destination MS are carried out with the help of BSs in the multi-hop, distributed manner. To achieve the joint optimization for such WIDCNs, a Stochastic Network Utility Maximization (SNUM) problem is formulated under the constraints of OFDMA sub-channel allocation on time-varying access links (both uplink and downlink), as well as routing and scheduling on forwarding links among BSs. By decomposing the corresponding dual problem, transforming it into a stochastic convex optimization problem and solving it by quasi-gradient method, we obtain distributed dynami...
Lei You, Ping Wu, Mei Song, Junde Song, Yong Zhang
Added 23 May 2010
Updated 23 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Lei You, Ping Wu, Mei Song, Junde Song, Yong Zhang
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