

Dynamic data compression for wireless transmission over a fading channel

14 years 7 months ago
Dynamic data compression for wireless transmission over a fading channel
—We consider a wireless node that randomly receives data from different sensor units. The arriving data must be compressed, stored, and transmitted over a wireless link, where both the compression and transmission operations consume power. Specifically, the controller must choose from one of multiple compression options every timeslot. Each option requires a different amount of power and has different compression ratio properties. Further, the wireless link has potentially timevarying channels, and transmission rates depend on current channel states and transmission power allocations. We design a dynamic algorithm for joint compression and transmission, and prove that it comes arbitrarily close to minimizing average power expenditure, with an explicit tradeoff in average delay. The algorithm is simple to implement and does not require knowledge of probability distributions for packet arrivals or channel states.
Michael J. Neely
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CISS
Authors Michael J. Neely
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