

Dynamic Epistemic Temporal Logic

14 years 9 months ago
Dynamic Epistemic Temporal Logic
We introduce a new type of arrow in the update frames (or “action models”) of Dynamic Epistemic Logic in a way that enables us to reason about epistemic temporal dynamics in multi-agent systems that need not be synchronous. Since van Benthem and Pacuit (later joined by Hoshi and Gerbrandy) showed that standard Dynamic Epistemic Logic necessarily satisfies synchronicity, it follows that our arrow type is a new way of extending the domain of applicability of the Dynamic Epistemic Logic approach. Furthermore, our framework provides a new perspective on the van Benthem et al work itself. In particular, while each of our work and their work shows that epistemic temporal models generated by standard update frames necessarily satisfy certain structural properties such as synchronicity, our work clarifies the way in which these structural properties arise as a result of the inherent structure of standard update frames themselves.
Bryan Renne, Joshua Sack, Audrey Yap
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where LORI
Authors Bryan Renne, Joshua Sack, Audrey Yap
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