

Dynamic homeostasis in packet switching networks

8 years 8 months ago
Dynamic homeostasis in packet switching networks
In this study, we investigate the adaptation and robustness of a packet switching network (PSN), the fundamental architecture of the Internet. We claim that the adaptation introduced by a transmission control protocol (TCP) congestion control mechanism is interpretable as the self-organization of multiple attractors and stability to switch from one attractor to another. To discuss this argument quantitatively, we study the adaptation of the Internet by simulating a PSN using ns2. Our hypothesis is that the robustness and fragility of the Internet can be attributed to the inherent dynamics of the PSN feedback mechanism called the congestion window size, or cwnd. By varying the data input into the PSN system, we investigate the possible self-organization of attractors in cwnd temporal dynamics and discuss the adaptability and robustness of PSNs. The present study provides an example of Ashby’s Law of Requisite Variety in action. Keywords homeostasis, Ashby’s Law of Requisite Variety...
Mizuki Oka, Hirotake Abe, Takashi Ikegami
Added 13 Apr 2016
Updated 13 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where ADB
Authors Mizuki Oka, Hirotake Abe, Takashi Ikegami
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