

Dynamic Load-Balancing and High Performance Communication in Jcluster

14 years 6 months ago
Dynamic Load-Balancing and High Performance Communication in Jcluster
This paper describes the dynamic load-balancing and high performance communication provided in Jcluster, an efficient Java parallel environment. For the efficient loadbalancing, we implement a task scheduler based on a Transitive Random Stealing algorithm, which improves the Random Stealing, a well-known load-balancing algorithm. The experiment results show that the scheduler performs efficiently, especially for a large-scale cluster. With the method of asynchronously multithreaded transmission, a high performance PVM-like and MPI-like message passing interface is implemented in pure Java. The evaluation of the communication performance is conducted among Jcluster, LAM-MPI and mpiJava on LAM-MPI based on the Java Grande Forum’s pingpong benchmark. Keywords. Dynamic load balancing, transitive random stealing, asynchronously multithreaded transmission, large-scale heterogenous cluster
Bao-Yin Zhang, Zeyao Mo, Guangwen Yang, Weimin Zhe
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where IPPS
Authors Bao-Yin Zhang, Zeyao Mo, Guangwen Yang, Weimin Zheng
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