

Dynamic Load-Balancing for Parallel Adaptive Unstructured Meshes

14 years 1 months ago
Dynamic Load-Balancing for Parallel Adaptive Unstructured Meshes
A parallel method for dynamic partitioning of unstructured meshes is described. The method employs a new iterative optimisation technique which both balances the workload and attempts to minimise the interprocessor communications overhead. Experiments on a series of adaptively refined meshes indicate that the algorithm provides partitions of an equivalent or higher quality to static partitioners (which do not reuse the existing partition) and much more quickly. Perhaps more importantly, the algorithm results in only a small fraction of the amount of data migration compared to the static partitioners. Key words. graph-partitioning, adaptive unstructured meshes, load-balancing, parallel scientific computation.
Chris Walshaw, Mark Cross, M. G. Everett
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where PPSC
Authors Chris Walshaw, Mark Cross, M. G. Everett
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