

Dynamic Markov Compression Using a Crossbar-Like Tree Initial Structure for Chinese Texts

14 years 7 months ago
Dynamic Markov Compression Using a Crossbar-Like Tree Initial Structure for Chinese Texts
This paper proposes the use of a crossbar-like tree structure to use with Dynamic Markov Compression (DMC) for the compression of Chinese text files. DMC had previously been found to be more effective than common compression techniques like compress and pack and gives a compression gain of between 13.1% and 32.0%. This initial structure is able to improve on DMC’s compression results, and outperforms the various initial structures commonly adopted, such as the singlestate, linear, tree or braid structures by a gain ranging
Ghim Hwee Ong, Jun-Ping Ng
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Ghim Hwee Ong, Jun-Ping Ng
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