

Dynamic Page Migration Under Brownian Motion

14 years 6 months ago
Dynamic Page Migration Under Brownian Motion
We consider Dynamic Page Migration (DPM) problem, one of the fundamental subproblems of data management in dynamically changing networks. We investigate a hybrid scenario, where access patterns to the shared object are dictated by an adversary, and each processor performs a random walk in X. We extend the previous results of [4]: we develop algorithms for the case where X is a ring, and prove that with high probability they achieve a competitive ratio of ˜O(min{ 4 √ D, n}), where D is the size of the shared object and n is the number of nodes in the network. These results hold also for any d-dimensional torus or mesh with diameter at least ˜Ω( √ D).
Marcin Bienkowski, Miroslaw Korzeniowski
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Marcin Bienkowski, Miroslaw Korzeniowski
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