

Dynamic Reconfiguration for Adaptive Multiversion Real-Time Systems

14 years 2 months ago
Dynamic Reconfiguration for Adaptive Multiversion Real-Time Systems
Modern real-time systems must be designed to be highly adaptable, reacting to aperiodic events in a predictable manner and exhibiting graceful degradation in overload scenarios whenever needed. In this context, it is useful to structure the system as a set of multiversion tasks. Task versions can be modeled to implement services with various levels of quality. In overload scenarios, for instance, a lower quality service may be scheduled for execution keeping the system correctness and providing graceful degradation. The goal of the reconfiguration mechanism is to select the versions of tasks that lead to the maximum benefit for the system at runtime. In this paper, we provide a schedulability condition based on which we derive an optimal pseudopolynomial solution for this problem. Then, a faster approximation solution is described. Results from simulation indicate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. c IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to rep...
George Lima, Eduardo Camponogara, Ana Carolina Sok
Added 19 Oct 2010
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors George Lima, Eduardo Camponogara, Ana Carolina Sokolonski
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