

Dynamic spectrum access in DTV whitespaces: design rules, architecture and algorithms

14 years 10 months ago
Dynamic spectrum access in DTV whitespaces: design rules, architecture and algorithms
In November 2008, the FCC ruled that the digital TV whitespaces be used for unlicensed access. This is an exciting development because DTV whitespaces are in the low frequency range (50-698 MHz) compared to typical cellular and ISM bands, thus resulting in much better propagation characteristics and much higher spectral efficiencies. The FCC has also mandated certain guidelines for short range unlicensed access, so as to avoid any interference to DTV receivers. We consider the problem of Wi-Fi like access (popularly referred to as Wi-Fi 2.0) for enterprizes. We assume that the access points and client devices are equipped with cognitive radios, i.e., they can adaptively choose the center frequency, bandwidth and power of operation. The access points can be equipped with one or more radios. In this paper, we layout the design of a complete system that (i) does not violate the FCC mandate, (ii) dynamically assigns center frequency and bandwidth to each access point based on their deman...
Supratim Deb, Vikram Srinivasan, Ritesh Maheshwari
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Supratim Deb, Vikram Srinivasan, Ritesh Maheshwari
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