

Dynamic Virtual Cluster Reconfiguration for Efficient IaaS Provisioning

14 years 5 months ago
Dynamic Virtual Cluster Reconfiguration for Efficient IaaS Provisioning
Abstract. Cloud computing is an emerging paradigm to provide Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). In this paper we present NEPTUNE-IaaS, a software system able to support the whole lifecycle of IaaS provisioning in a Virtual Cluster environment. Our system allows interactive design of complex system topologies and their efficient mapping onto the available physical resources of a cluster. It also provides transparent VM migration features across geographically distributed datacenters, thanks to the adoption of the Service Switching paradigm. We also evaluate the effectiveness of the VM mapping procedures and compare our solution against other existing IaaS solutions. Key words: Cloud Computing, IaaS, Xen, Virtual Networking.
Vittorio Manetti, Pasquale Di Gennaro, Roberto Bif
Added 16 Aug 2010
Updated 16 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Vittorio Manetti, Pasquale Di Gennaro, Roberto Bifulco, Roberto Canonico, Giorgio Ventre
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