

On the dynamics of delegation, cooperation, and control: a logical account

14 years 6 months ago
On the dynamics of delegation, cooperation, and control: a logical account
We present dcl-pc: a dynamic logic of delegation and cooperation. The logical foundation of dcl-pc is cl-pc, a logic for reasoning about cooperation in which the powers of agents and coalitions of agents stem from a distribution of atomic Boolean variables to individual agents – the choices available to coalitions in cl-pc correspond to the possible truth assignments to the propositions they control. The basic modal constructs of cl-pc are of the form “coalition C can cooperate to bring about ϕ”. dcl-pc extends cl-pc with dynamic logic modalities in which atomic programs are of the form “agent i gives proposition p to agent j”. By combining these dynamic delegation operators with cooperation modalities, it is possible to reason about delegation and how it affects the power structure within a society. We give two alternative semantics for the logic, (a “direct” semantics, in which we directly represent the distributions of atomic propositions to agents, and a more conve...
Wiebe van der Hoek, Michael Wooldridge
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ATAL
Authors Wiebe van der Hoek, Michael Wooldridge
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