

E-Democracy in E-Austria

14 years 4 months ago
E-Democracy in E-Austria
Abstract: Christian Rupp has been appointed Federal Executive Secretary of EGovernment in May of 2003. At that point of time a new E-Government Platform was introduced. He reports on the current developments of E-Democracy in Austria. A new-networked economy and a knowledge-based information society have emerged in our midst. The way people live, learn, work and relate to each other is being unalterably changed. The digital revolution is leading to the development of entirely new forms of social and economic interaction and new communities in a borderless cyberspace. Free flow of information and ideas has sparked an explosive growth of knowledge and its myriad new applications. As a result, economic and social structures and relations are being transformed. In the private sector, citizens have become used to using the Internet for business transactions - they expect the same level of service from their government agencies. Hence, e-government has become one of the main concerns in the ...
Christian Rupp
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Christian Rupp
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