

E-Government: The Need for Effective Process Management in the Public Sector

14 years 6 months ago
E-Government: The Need for Effective Process Management in the Public Sector
The concept of e-government has evolved from the domain of e-business where enterprises need to collaborate with partners, suppliers and customers for the effective delivery of e-services. While needing integration and communication between business processes and underlying information systems in disparate organizations, in a non-process-oriented, legacy system driven public sector, this presents a significant challenge. Using a case study in a local council, this research will explore process management and integration issues in the UK public sector and highlight the opportunities for service improvement in the context of e-government implementation. While cross organisational process and information systems integration barriers are seen in the literature as presenting the main technical challenge for realising fully integrated e-government services, this research found that a legacy of bureaucracy and established illogical routine tasks were preventing the government from expediting...
Vishanth Weerakkody, Simon Baire, Jyoti Choudrie
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Vishanth Weerakkody, Simon Baire, Jyoti Choudrie
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