

E-Publishing Portal: A New Approach to Faculty Outreach

14 years 4 months ago
E-Publishing Portal: A New Approach to Faculty Outreach
The recent journal price increases and state-wide budget cuts have forced librarians at the University of Maryland (UMD) to make outright cancellations to journals. The implementation of an in-house system for preserving scholarly work of faculty was necessary not only because of budgetary stringency. The ongoing "scholarly communication crisis", the recognition that the library system needs to be changed, the need for archiving e-journal content has prompted the construction of an institutional repository. This poster aims to identify issues encountered during the design process of a digital repository and suggests possible solutions. New roles of the users of this newly implemented system are described. The main elements of the service are outlined, outreach methodologies are discussed, and faculty concerns are addressed.
Nedelina Tchangalova, David Cooper
Added 22 Aug 2010
Updated 22 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Nedelina Tchangalova, David Cooper
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