

E-R modeler: a database modeling toolkit for Eclipse

14 years 5 months ago
E-R modeler: a database modeling toolkit for Eclipse
Eclipse is a Java integrated development environment (IDE) and tool integration platform that offers numerous extension points for customization through a plug-in architecture. This paper describes the design of an Eclipse plug-in called E-R Modeler. As a database design toolkit, the E-R Modeler provides an E-R (EntityRelationship) diagram development environment that supports XML and DDL (Database Definition Language) generation tools. It also provides database connection and schema creation capabilities. As an Eclipse plug-In, it offers multiple extension points for other applications to build upon. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2.6 [Software Engineering]: Programming Environments – Integrated Environments. Keywords Eclipse, Plug-In, E-R diagram, Data Modeling, Design Patterns.
Song Zhou, Chuanxi Xu, Hui Wu, Jing Zhang, Yuehua
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Song Zhou, Chuanxi Xu, Hui Wu, Jing Zhang, Yuehua Lin, Juanqin Wang, Jeff Gray, Barrett R. Bryant
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