

Early Results on Hydra: A Flexible MAC/PHY Multihop Testbed

14 years 6 months ago
Early Results on Hydra: A Flexible MAC/PHY Multihop Testbed
— Hydra is a flexible wireless network testbed being developed at UT Austin. Our focus is networks that support multiple wireless hops and where the network, especially the MAC, takes advantage of sophisticated PHY techniques, such as OFDM and MIMO. We argue that for this domain simulation alone is not adequate and that working prototypes are needed to validate algorithms and protocols. Hydra nodes consist of a flexible RF front-end and a general purpose machine with a software based MAC and PHY. Using the frameworks of the Click modular router and GNU Radio and coding in C++ makes it relatively easy to implement working prototypes of crosslayer designs that require custom MACs and PHYs. We present the architecture and implementation of Hydra, as well as a preliminary cross-layer design experiment for a rate-adaptive MAC. These early results show Hydra is a capable prototyping tool for wireless network research. Keywords– wireless testbed, prototype, cross-layer design The impact...
Ketan Mandke, Soon-Hyeok Choi, Gibeom Kim, Robert
Added 04 Jun 2010
Updated 04 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where VTC
Authors Ketan Mandke, Soon-Hyeok Choi, Gibeom Kim, Robert Grant, Robert C. Daniels, Wonsoo Kim, Robert W. Heath Jr., Scott Nettles
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