

Early Selective Packet Discard for Alternating Resource Access of TCP over ATM-UBR

14 years 6 months ago
Early Selective Packet Discard for Alternating Resource Access of TCP over ATM-UBR
W e investigate packet discarding schemes for TCP over ATM with UBR service. In doing so, we tested the eflective throughput of two existing schemes, Partial Pnwlcet Discard(PPD) and Early Packet Discard(EPD), as compared to the Random Cell Discard(RCD) scheme which discards any incoming cells after buger overflow. W e observed that PPD alleviates the effect of packet fragmentation so that it gets effective throughput enhancement over RCD, and EPD provides further enhancement over PPD. After closer investigation, we found that there is a sustained congestion problem other than packet fragmentation that causes the effective throughput to be degraded. W e noted that sustained congestion resulted in the synchronization of TCP window expansion and shrinkage. To provide a solution for this problem, we propose the Early Selective Packet Discard(ESPD) policy, a strategy which makes sessions take turns in accessing network capacity by discarding packets fromselected sessions rather than rando...
Kangsik Cheon, Shivendra S. Panwar
Added 06 Aug 2010
Updated 06 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where LCN
Authors Kangsik Cheon, Shivendra S. Panwar
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