

An Early-Stopping Protocol for Computing Aggregate Functions in Sensor Networks

14 years 9 months ago
An Early-Stopping Protocol for Computing Aggregate Functions in Sensor Networks
Abstract—In this paper, we study algebraic aggregate computations in Sensor Networks. The main contribution is the presentation of an early-stopping protocol that computes the average function under a harsh model of the conditions under which sensor nodes operate. This protocol is shown to be time-optimal in presence of unfrequent failures. The approach followed saves time and energy by relying the computation on a small network of delegate nodes that can be rebuilt fast in case of node failures and communicate using a collisionfree schedule. Delegate nodes run simultaneously two protocols, namely, a collection/dissemination tree-based algorithm, which is shown to be optimal, and a mass-distribution algorithm. Both algorithms are analyzed under a model where the frequency of failures is a parameter. Other aggregate computation algorithms can be easily derived from this protocol. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first optimal early-stopping algorithm for aggregate computatio...
Antonio Fernández Anta, Miguel A. Mosteiro,
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where PRDC
Authors Antonio Fernández Anta, Miguel A. Mosteiro, Christopher Thraves
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