

EDA Approach for Model Based Localization and Recognition of Vehicles

14 years 6 months ago
EDA Approach for Model Based Localization and Recognition of Vehicles
We address the problem of model based recognition. Our aim is to localize and recognize road vehicles from monocular images in calibrated scenes. A deformable 3D geometric vehicle model with 12 parameters is set up as prior information and Bayesian Classification Error is adopted for evaluation of fitness between the model and images. Using a novel evolutionary computing method called EDA (Estimation of Distribution Algorithm), we can not only determine the 3D pose of the vehicle, but also obtain a 12 dimensional vector which corresponds to the 12 shape parameters of the model. By clustering obtained vectors in the parameter space, we can recognize different types of vehicles. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach to vehicles of different types and poses. Thanks to EDA, we can not only localize and recognize vehicles, but also show the whole evolution procedure of the deformable model which gradually fits the image better and better.
Zhaoxiang Zhang, Weishan Dong, Kaiqi Huang, Tieniu
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CVPR
Authors Zhaoxiang Zhang, Weishan Dong, Kaiqi Huang, Tieniu Tan
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