

Effective acquaintance management for Collaborative Intrusion Detection Networks

13 years 11 months ago
Effective acquaintance management for Collaborative Intrusion Detection Networks
Abstract--An effective Collaborative Intrusion Detection Network (CIDN) allows distributed Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSes) to collaborate and share their knowledge and opinions about intrusions, to enhance the overall accuracy of intrusion assessment as well as the ability of detecting new classes of intrusions. Towards this goal, we propose a distributed Hostbased IDS (HIDS) collaboration system, particularly focusing on acquaintance management where each HIDS selects and maintains a list of collaborators from which they can consult about intrusions. More specifically, each HIDS evaluates both the false positive (FP) rate and false negative (FN) rate of its neighboring HIDSes' opinions about intrusions using Bayesian learning, and aggregates their opinions about intrusions using a Bayesian decision model. Our dynamic acquaintance management algorithm allows each HIDS to effectively select a set of collaborators. We evaluate our system based on a simulated collaborative HIDS n...
Carol J. Fung, Jie Zhang, Raouf Boutaba
Added 10 Feb 2011
Updated 10 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CNSM
Authors Carol J. Fung, Jie Zhang, Raouf Boutaba
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