

Effective Heuristics and Belief Tracking for Planning with Incomplete Information

13 years 6 months ago
Effective Heuristics and Belief Tracking for Planning with Incomplete Information
Conformant planning can be formulated as a path-finding problem in belief space where the two main challenges are the heuristics to guide the search, and the representation and update of beliefs. In the translation-based approach recently introduced by Palacios and Geffner, the two aspects are handled together by translating conformant problems into classical ones that are solved with classical planners. While competitive with state-of-the-art methods, the translation-based approach runs however into three difficulties. First, complete translations are expensive for problems with high width; second, incomplete translations can generate infinite heuristic values for problems that are solvable; and third, aspects that are specific to the conformant setting, such as the cardinality of beliefs, are not accounted for. In this work, we build on the translation-based approach but not for solving conformant problems with a classical planner but for deriving heuristics and computing belief...
Alexandre Albore, Miquel Ramírez, Hector Ge
Added 24 Aug 2011
Updated 24 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where AIPS
Authors Alexandre Albore, Miquel Ramírez, Hector Geffner
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