

Effective keyword search for valuable lcas over xml documents

14 years 8 months ago
Effective keyword search for valuable lcas over xml documents
In this paper, we study the problem of effective keyword search over XML documents. We begin by introducing the notion of Valuable Lowest Common Ancestor (VLCA) to accurately and effectively answer keyword queries over XML documents. We then propose the concept of Compact VLCA (CVLCA) and compute the meaningful compact connected trees rooted as CVLCAs as the answers of keyword queries. To efficiently compute CVLCAs, we devise an effective optimization strategy for speeding up the computation, and exploit the key properties of CVLCA in the design of the stack-based algorithm for answering keyword queries. We have conducted an extensive experimental study and the experimental results show that our proposed approach achieves both high efficiency and effectiveness when compared with existing proposals. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.2 [Database Management]: Miscellaneous; H.3.3 [Information Search and Retrieval]: General Terms Algorithms Keywords Information Retrieval;XML Keyword ...
Guoliang Li, Jianhua Feng, Jianyong Wang, Lizhu Zh
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CIKM
Authors Guoliang Li, Jianhua Feng, Jianyong Wang, Lizhu Zhou
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