

An efficient algorithm for the computation of the metric average of two intersecting convex polygons, with application to morphi

14 years 22 days ago
An efficient algorithm for the computation of the metric average of two intersecting convex polygons, with application to morphi
Motivated by the method for the reconstruction of 3D objects from a set of parallel cross sections, based on the binary operation between 2D sets termed “metric average”, we developed an algorithm for the computation of the metric average between two intersecting convex polygons in 2D. For two 1D sets there is an algorithm for the computation of the metric average, with linear time in the number of intervals in the two 1D sets. The proposed algorithm has linear computation time in the number of vertices of the two polygons. As an application of this algorithm, a new technique for morphing between two convex polygons is developed. The new algorithm performs morphing in a non-intuitive way.
Evgeny Lipovetsky, Nira Dyn
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where ADCM
Authors Evgeny Lipovetsky, Nira Dyn
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