

An efficient and accurate method for evaluating time series similarity

15 years 2 months ago
An efficient and accurate method for evaluating time series similarity
A variety of techniques currently exist for measuring the similarity between time series datasets. Of these techniques, the methods whose matching criteria is bounded by a specified threshold value, such as the LCSS and the EDR techniques, have been shown to be robust in the presence of noise, time shifts, and data scaling. Our work proposes a new algorithm, called the Fast Time Series Evaluation (FTSE) method, which can be used to evaluate such threshold value techniques, including LCSS and EDR. Using FTSE, we show that these techniques can be evaluated faster than using either traditional dynamic programming or even warp-restricting methods such as the Sakoe-Chiba band and the Itakura Parallelogram. We also show that FTSE can be used in a framework that can evaluate a richer range of threshold-based scoring techniques, of which EDR and LCSS are just two examples. This framework, called Swale, extends the threshold-based scoring techniques to include arbitrary match rewards and ga...
Michael D. Morse, Jignesh M. Patel
Added 08 Dec 2009
Updated 08 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Michael D. Morse, Jignesh M. Patel
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