

An Efficient and Flexible Late Join Algorithm for Interactive Shared Whiteboards

14 years 4 months ago
An Efficient and Flexible Late Join Algorithm for Interactive Shared Whiteboards
In this paper we propose a novel late join algorithm for distributed applications with a fully replicated architecture (e.g. shared whiteboards). The term `late join algorithm' is used to denote a mechanism that allows a late-coming participant to join an ongoing session. Generally, this requires that participants in the session inform the latecomer about the current state of the shared application, so that he or she is able to actively participate in the session once the late join has been completed. While many existing distributed applications implement some sort of late join, a thorough discussion of late join algorithms has not yet been conducted. We therefore identify the key issues of late join algorithms and propose a set of requirements which a `good' late join approach should satisfy. Based on these requirements, we evaluate existing late join algorithms and explain why we opted instead to develop a new, advanced late join algorithm for our own shared whiteboard. Thi...
Werner Geyer, Jürgen Vogel, Martin Mauve
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where ISCC
Authors Werner Geyer, Jürgen Vogel, Martin Mauve
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