

Efficient decision tree construction on streaming data

15 years 21 days ago
Efficient decision tree construction on streaming data
Decision tree construction is a well studied problem in data mining. Recently, there has been much interest in mining streaming data. Domingos and Hulten have presented a one-pass algorithm for decision tree construction. Their work uses Hoeffding inequality to achieve a probabilistic bound on the accuracy of the tree constructed. In this paper, we revisit this problem. We make the following two contributions: 1) We present a numerical interval pruning (NIP) approach for efficiently processing numerical attributes. Our results show an average of 39% reduction in execution times. 2) We exploit the properties of the gain function entropy (and gini) to reduce the sample size required for obtaining a given bound on the accuracy. Our experimental results show a 37% reduction in the number of data instances required. Overall, the two new techniques introduced here significantly improve the efficiency of decision tree construction on streaming data.
Ruoming Jin, Gagan Agrawal
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where KDD
Authors Ruoming Jin, Gagan Agrawal
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