

Efficient hybrid typestate analysis by determining continuation-equivalent states

14 years 5 months ago
Efficient hybrid typestate analysis by determining continuation-equivalent states
Typestate analysis determines whether a program violates a set of finite-state properties. Because the typestate-analysis problem is statically undecidable, researchers have proposed a hybrid approach that uses residual monitors to signal property violations at runtime. We present an efficient novel static typestate analysis that is flow-sensitive, partially context-sensitive, and that generates residual runtime monitors. To gain efficiency, our analysis uses precise, flow-sensitive information on an intraprocedural level only, and models the remainder of the prong a flow-insensitive pointer abstraction. Unlike previous flow-sensitive analyses, our analysis uses an additional backward analysis to partition states into equivalence classes. Code locations that transition between equivalent states are irrelevant and require no monitoring. As we show in this work, this notion of equivalent states is crucial to obtaining sound runtime monitors. We proved our analysis correct, implemented t...
Eric Bodden
Added 13 Oct 2010
Updated 13 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where ICSE
Authors Eric Bodden
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