

Efficient Index Maintenance for Frequently Updated Semantic Data

14 years 4 months ago
Efficient Index Maintenance for Frequently Updated Semantic Data
Abstract. Nowadays, the demand on querying and searching the Semantic Web is increasing. Some systems have adopted IR (Information Retrieval) approaches to index and search the Semantic Web data due to its capability to handle the web-scale data and efficiency on query answering. Additionally, the huge volumes of data on the Semantic Web are frequently updated. Thus, it further requires effective update mechanisms for these systems to handle the data change. However, the existing update approaches only focus on document. It still remains a big challenge to update IR index specially designed for semantic data in the form of triples, which are finer grained structured objects rather than unstructured documents. In this paper, we present a well-designed update mechanism on the IR index for triples. Our approach provides flexible and effective update mechanism by dividing the index into blocks. It reduces the number of update operations during the insertion of triples. At the same time, it...
Yan Liang, Haofen Wang, Qiaoling Liu, Thanh Tran,
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ASWC
Authors Yan Liang, Haofen Wang, Qiaoling Liu, Thanh Tran, Thomas Penin, Yong Yu
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