

Efficient integration of web services with distributed data flow and active mediation

14 years 7 months ago
Efficient integration of web services with distributed data flow and active mediation
This paper presents a loosely coupled service-composition paradigm. This paradigm employs a distributed data flow that differs markedly from centralized information flow adopted by current service integration frameworks, such as CORBA, J2EE and SOAP. Distributed data flows support direct data transmission to avoid many performance bottlenecks of centralized processing. In addition, active mediation is used in applications employing multiple web services that are not fully compatible in terms of data formats and contents. Active mediation increases the applicability of the services, reduces data communication among the services, and enables the application to control complex computations. The benefits of distributed data flow and active mediation are illustrated with various applications, such as dynamic type conversion, result extraction, and engineering application. It is shown that active mediation, combining with distributed data flows, can greatly improve the performance of an app...
David Liu, Jun Peng, Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors David Liu, Jun Peng, Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold
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