

An Efficient Role Specification Management Model for Highly Distributed Environments

14 years 3 months ago
An Efficient Role Specification Management Model for Highly Distributed Environments
Abstract--Highly distributed environments such as pervasive computing environments not having global or broad control, need another attribute certificate management technique. For an efficient role based access control using attribute certificate, we use a technique of structuring role specification certificates. It can provide more flexible and secure collaborating environments. The roles are grouped and made them into the relation tree. It can reduce management cost and overhead incurred when changing the specification of the role. Further we use caching of frequently used role specification certificate for better performance in case applying the role. Tree structured role specification results secure and efficient role renewing and distribution. Caching of role specification helps an application of role. In order to be scalable distribution of the role specification certificate, we use multicasting packets. Also, performance enhancement of structuring role specification certificates...
Soomi Yang
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where JNW
Authors Soomi Yang
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