

Efficient Stereoscopic Ranging via Stochastic Sampling of Match Quality

13 years 10 months ago
Efficient Stereoscopic Ranging via Stochastic Sampling of Match Quality
We present an efficient method that computes dense stereo correspondences by stochastically sampling match quality values. Nonexhaustive sampling facilitates the use of quality metrics that take unique values at noninteger disparities. Depth estimates are iteratively refined with a stochastic cooperative search by perturbing the estimates, sampling match quality, and reweighting and aggregating the perturbations. The approach gains significant efficiencies when applied to video, where initial estimates are seeded using information from the previous pair in a novel application of the Z-buffering algorithm. This significantly reduces the number of search iterations required. We present a quantitative accuracy evaluation wherein the proposed method outperforms a microcanonical annealing approach by Barnard [2] and a cooperative approach by Zitnick and Kanade [27], while using fewer match quality evaluations than either. The approach is shown to have more attractive memory usage and scalin...
Thayne Richard Coffman, Alan Conrad Bovik
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TIP
Authors Thayne Richard Coffman, Alan Conrad Bovik
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