

Efficient Summarization of URLs using CRC32 for Implementing URL Switching

14 years 5 months ago
Efficient Summarization of URLs using CRC32 for Implementing URL Switching
We investigate methods of using CRC32 for compressing Web URL strings and sharing of URL lists between servers, caches, and URL switches. Using trace-based evaluation, we compare our new CRC32 digesting method against existing Bloom filter and incremental CRC19 methods. Our CRC32 method requires less CPU resources, generates equal or smaller size digests, achieves equal collision rates, and simplifies switching.
Zornitza Genova, Kenneth J. Christensen
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where LCN
Authors Zornitza Genova, Kenneth J. Christensen
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