

Efficient techniques for document sanitization

14 years 2 months ago
Efficient techniques for document sanitization
Sanitization of a document involves removing sensitive information from the document, so that it may be distributed to a broader audience. Such sanitization is needed while declassifying documents involving sensitive or confidential information such as corporate emails, intelligence reports, medical records, etc. In this paper, we present the ERASE framework for performing document sanitization in an automated manner. ERASE can be used to sanitize a document dynamically, so that different users get different views of the same document based on what they are authorized to know. We formalize the problem and present algorithms used in ERASE for finding the appropriate terms to remove from the document. Our preliminary experimental study demonstrates the efficiency and efficacy of the proposed algorithms. Categories and Subject Descriptors K.6.5 [Security and Protection]: Unauthorized access General Terms Algorithms, Performance, Security Keywords Sanitization, Redaction, Anonymization
Venkatesan T. Chakaravarthy, Himanshu Gupta, Prasa
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CIKM
Authors Venkatesan T. Chakaravarthy, Himanshu Gupta, Prasan Roy, Mukesh K. Mohania
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