

Efficient Text Classification by Weighted Proximal SVM

14 years 6 months ago
Efficient Text Classification by Weighted Proximal SVM
In this paper, we present an algorithm that can classify large-scale text data with high classification quality and fast training speed. Our method is based on a novel extension of the proximal SVM mode [3]. Previous studies on proximal SVM have focused on classification for low dimensional data and did not consider the unbalanced data cases. Such methods will meet difficulties when classifying unbalanced and high dimensional data sets such as text documents. In this work, we extend the original proximal SVM by learning a weight for each training error. We show that the classification algorithm based on this model is capable of handling high dimensional and unbalanced data. In the experiments, we compare our method with the original proximal SVM (as a special case of our algorithm) and the standard SVM (such as SVM light) on the recently published RCV1-v2 dataset. The results show that our proposed method had comparable classification quality with the standard SVM. At the same time, b...
Dong Zhuang, Benyu Zhang, Qiang Yang, Jun Yan, Zhe
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICDM
Authors Dong Zhuang, Benyu Zhang, Qiang Yang, Jun Yan, Zheng Chen, Ying Chen
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