

Eigentongue Feature Extraction for an Ultrasound-Based Silent Speech Interface

14 years 9 months ago
Eigentongue Feature Extraction for an Ultrasound-Based Silent Speech Interface
The article compares two approaches to the description of ultrasound vocal tract images for application in a “silent speech interface,” one based on tongue contour modeling, and a second, global coding approach in which images are projected onto a feature space of Eigentongues. A curvaturebased lip profile feature extraction method is also presented. Extracted visual features are input to a neural network which learns the relation between the vocal tract configuration and line spectrum frequencies (LSF) contained in a one-hour speech corpus. An examination of the quality of LSF’s derived from the two approaches demonstrates that the eigentongues approach has a more efficient implementation and provides superior results based on a normalized mean squared error criterion.
Thomas Hueber, Guido Aversano, Gérard Choll
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Thomas Hueber, Guido Aversano, Gérard Chollet, Bruce Denby, Gérard Dreyfus, Yacine Oussar, Pierre Roussel-Ragot, Maureen Stone
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