

EL: A Formal, Yet Natural, Comprehensive Knowledge Representation

14 years 1 months ago
EL: A Formal, Yet Natural, Comprehensive Knowledge Representation
We present Episodic Logic (EL), a highly expressive knowledge representation well-adapted to general commonsense reasoning as well as the interpretive and inferential needs of natural language processing. One of the distinctive features of EL is its extremely permissive ontology, which admits situations (episodes, events, states of a airs, etc.), propositions, possible facts, and kinds and collections, and which allows representation of generic sentences. EL is natural language-like in appearance and supports intuitively understandable inferences. At the same time it is both formally analyzable and mechanizable as an e cient inference engine.
Chung Hee Hwang, Lenhart K. Schubert
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1993
Where AAAI
Authors Chung Hee Hwang, Lenhart K. Schubert
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