

Electronic Payments: Where Do We Go from Here?

14 years 4 months ago
Electronic Payments: Where Do We Go from Here?
Currently, the Internet and the World Wide Web on-line business is booming, with traffic, advertising and content growing at sustained exponential rates. However, the full potential of on-line commerce has not been possible to realize due to the lack of convenient and secure electronic payment methods (e.g., for buying e-goods and paying with e-money). Although it became clear very early that it is vital for payments to be safe and efficient, and to avoid requiring complicated user intervention, it is still the case that the Internet payment method of choice today is that of traditional credit cards. Despite their widespread use and market penetration, these have a number of significant limitations and shortcomings, including lack of security, lack of anonymity, inability to reach all audiences due to credit requirements, large overhead with respect to payments, and the related inefficiency in processing small payment amounts. These limitations (some of which are present in the real w...
Markus Jakobsson, David M'Raïhi, Yiannis Tsio
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where CQRE
Authors Markus Jakobsson, David M'Raïhi, Yiannis Tsiounis, Moti Yung
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