

Electronic Publishing Trends in Singapore

14 years 1 months ago
Electronic Publishing Trends in Singapore
The electronic publishing (EP) trends of publishing houses in Singapore are studied to identify challenges, opportunities, problems faced by the publishing industry, and to assess the acceptance of e-publications by Singaporeans. This was carried out by two separate questionnaire surveys. The first survey with publishers aimed to seek their views on EP in Singapore while the second with readers was used to assess their views on using e-publications. The publishers' survey showed that about 74% of publishers in Singapore are already or will be engaged in EP by 2004. Although publishers face problems and difficulties ranging from high costs, personnel issues, technology problems, pricing, sales and marketing issues, the general view was that EP and e-publications are the ways to move forward in this digital era. The reader survey showed that Singaporeans are generally willing to use and read e-publications though they continue to prefer and use p-publications. A majority of readers...
Heng Poh Choo, Chennupati K. Ramaiah, Schubert Foo
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Heng Poh Choo, Chennupati K. Ramaiah, Schubert Foo
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