

Electrosensory response mechanisms in mormyrid electric fish

14 years 15 days ago
Electrosensory response mechanisms in mormyrid electric fish
Mormyrid electric sh use mormyromastreceptors in their skin to detect distortions in a self-generated electric eld. The electroreceptor a erents modulate neuronal activity in the electrosensory lateral line lobe ELL, a cerebellum-like structure. In this study of the ELL's mormyromast region, computer simulations compare mechanisms responsible for the observed responses involved in active electrolocation with the ampullary region's responses involved in sensing elds of external origin. The simulations are based on a mathematical characterization of the relevant anatomy, physiology, and rules of synaptic plasticity that in uence neuronal activity in the ELL, as determined by experimental studies. Key words: Electrosensory; Learning; Synaptic plasticity
Patrick D. Roberts
Added 18 Dec 2010
Updated 18 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2000
Where IJON
Authors Patrick D. Roberts
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