

Embedding metrics into ultrametrics and graphs into spanning trees with constant average distortion

14 years 4 months ago
Embedding metrics into ultrametrics and graphs into spanning trees with constant average distortion
This paper addresses the basic question of how well can a tree approximate distances of a metric space or a graph. Given a graph, the problem of constructing a spanning tree in a graph which strongly preserves distances in the graph is a fundamental problem in network design. We present scaling distortion embeddings where the distortion scales as a function of , with the guarantee that for each the distortion of a fraction 1− of all pairs is bounded accordingly. Such a bound implies, in particular, that the average distortion and q-distortions are small. Specifically, our embeddings have constant average distortion and O( √ log n) 2-distortion. This follows from the following results: we prove that any metric space embeds into an ultrametric with scaling distortion O( p1/ ). For the graph setting we prove that any weighted graph contains a spanning tree with scaling distortion O( p1/ ). These bounds are tight even for embedding in arbitrary trees. For probabilistic embedding into...
Ittai Abraham, Yair Bartal, Ofer Neiman
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where SODA
Authors Ittai Abraham, Yair Bartal, Ofer Neiman
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