

Embeddings into Orthomodular Lattices with Given Centers, State Spaces and Automorphism Groups

14 years 2 months ago
Embeddings into Orthomodular Lattices with Given Centers, State Spaces and Automorphism Groups
We prove that, given a nontrivial Boolean algebra B, a compact convex set S and a group G, there is an orthomodular lattice L with the center isomorphic to B, the automorphism group isomorphic to G, and the state space affinely homeomorphic to S. Moreover, given an orthomodular lattice J admitting at least one state, L can be chosen such that J is its subalgebra. Mathematics Subject Classifications (2000): 06C15, 81P10. Key words: automorphism group, center, measure, orthomodular lattice, orthomodular poset, state.
John Harding, Mirko Navara
Added 19 Dec 2010
Updated 19 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2000
Authors John Harding, Mirko Navara
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