

Emergent Data Quality Annotation And Visualization

14 years 1 months ago
Emergent Data Quality Annotation And Visualization
: The systematic assessment, storage, and retrieval of data quality scores has proven to be an elusive problem, often tackled only with classifications, questionnaires, and models. We present a concrete solution for the graphical annotation of data with quality scores, to enable their efficient storage and retrieval, and ultimately their graphical display on top of the actual data. Our tool, VIQTOR, enables users to assign quality scores using simple point and click techniques in a natural data display environment, such as spreadsheets. The particular challenges we tackle are the support of multiple users assigning different quality scores, the flexible assignment of quality scores to any subset of the data (rows and columns), the assignment and storage of scores in multiple quality criteria, and the graphical display of those scores aggregated both across users and across quality criteria. As multiple users assess scores, an overall quality assessment emerges. Key Words: Data Quality,...
Paul Führing, Felix Naumann
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where IQ
Authors Paul Führing, Felix Naumann
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