

Emotion Elicitation in a Computerized Gambling Game

14 years 6 months ago
Emotion Elicitation in a Computerized Gambling Game
We have designed a novel computer controlled environment that elicits emotions in subjects while they are uttering short identical phrases. The paradigm is based on Damasio's experiment for eliciting apprehension and is implemented in a voice activated computer game. For six subjects we have obtained recordings of dozens of identical sentences, which are coupled to events in the game – gain or loss of points. Prosodic features of the recorded utterances were extracted and classified. The resultant classifier gave 7885% recognition of presence/absence of apprehension.
Vered Aharonson, Noam Amir
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ITRE
Authors Vered Aharonson, Noam Amir
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