

Empirical Evidence for Correct Iris Match Score Degradation with Increased Time-Lapse between Gallery and Probe Matches

13 years 10 months ago
Empirical Evidence for Correct Iris Match Score Degradation with Increased Time-Lapse between Gallery and Probe Matches
Abstract. We explore the effects of time lapse on iris biometrics using a data set of images with four years time lapse between the earliest and most recent images of an iris (13 subjects, 26 irises, 1809 total images). We find that the average fractional Hamming distance for a match between two images of an iris taken four years apart is statistically significantly larger than the match for images with only a few months time lapse between them. A possible implication of our results is that iris biometric enrollment templates may undergo aging and that iris biometric enrollment may not be "once for life." To our knowledge, this is the first and only experimental study of iris match scores under long (multi-year) time lapse. Key words: iris biometrics, enrollment template, template aging, timelapse, match distribution stability
Sarah E. Baker, Kevin W. Bowyer, Patrick J. Flynn
Added 18 Feb 2011
Updated 18 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where ICB
Authors Sarah E. Baker, Kevin W. Bowyer, Patrick J. Flynn
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